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Citations and Avoiding Plagiarism: MLA

Citing Sources: MLA 8th Edition

Citing Sources: MLA 8th Edition

Below are ways to cite sources using MLA.

In-Text Citation - MLA 8th Edition

In-Text Citation: MLA 8th Edition

In-text citations in MLA have two basic parts:

(Last Name(s) page number).

• Goes at the end of your sentence.

• If you use any of these in your sentence, you don’t have to put it at the end.

• Two authors? Use "and" to join them. Ex. (Smith and Comanda 167).

• More than two authors? Use et al. in your in-text citation. Ex. Smith, Salas, & Comanda would be (Smith et al. 167).


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I site something on a website without an author? 

If no author is listed, simply start your citation with the title of the article/post/page.

What if there is no author? 

If your source has no author, cite the article or book title in your in-text citation instead. EX. ("Farmhouse Tips" 167) or (Farmhouse Rules, 167).

What's a hanging indent?

A hanging indent is an indentation that starts one half inch from the left margin. You should use a hanging indent for each line after the first line of a citation in your reference list.