The cursor of the computer is moved around by using a computer mouse. Think of the mouse as the steering wheel of the computer. It generally contains four parts:
On laptops, the Track Pad is the built-in mouse below the keyboard. Please review your laptop's user manual for instructions in using your track pad.
The left-button on the mouse is the button you click to select items on the screen. Generally, you will need to click it twice (or "double-click") to open your selection. The left-button changes depending on what you're clicking. If you're writing a paper, the cursor will change to reflect that you are typing. If you're on the internet, the cursor will look like an arrow or a small hand.
No matter what the cursor looks, the left-button is the main button you will use.
The right-button is what you would click to bring up more options. Depending on what you are doing on the computer, right-clicking your mouse will allow you to print, save, and engage in a variety of other options.
The scroll wheel allows you to scroll through the page without having to reposition your cursor on the screen. The scroll wheel allows you to scroll up and down with ease in most applications.